6 Courses
Foundation Studies are a unique element of Immanuel Online School. Foundations combines Biblical studies, theology, apologetics and philosophy, New Testament Greek, religious studies, church and cultural history to provide students with a deep-rooted understanding of Christianity and the contemporary world in which they live.
Remember that this subject will help you see the entire universe in a different light. Your tutor will be there to help you and do start by looking through the scheme of work for this year. From Pythagoras to algebra and the Greek letter π, Year 9 mathematics has plenty to offer. We do hope you will enjoy doing this course. Have a look at the scope and sequence document to start.
I hope that you are really excited about studying English this year. We are going to explore a host of great activities including great works of literature and creative writing. In Year 9, you will also gain exposure to an array of forms of texts, ranging from creative responses, speeches, analytical essays. Parent Testimonial: "My son is really enjoying English and the teaching is exceptional. The crafting of how to write an essay was explained for the first time!"
There is lots to look forward to studying Year 9 Science this year. We are going to explore some great topics and really get a good understanding of how science works. Science is not merely a collection of facts, concepts, and useful ideas about nature, or even the systematic investigation of nature, although both are common definitions of science. Science is a method of investigating nature--a way of knowing about nature--that discovers reliable knowledge about it. Science also allows us to know God better through studying his creation.
In year 9 you will cover a range of topics including front end (HTML/CSS and JavaScript) coding and Python programming. You will also create your own apps and games and explore machine learning, AI, emerging tech like blockchain and crypto and data representation (the wonderful Maths behind Binary) Brought to you by the creators of testandtrack.io and teachingcomputing.com, there is lots to look forward to in this course!
Humanities is a combined course, which focuses on history and geography and includes elements of cultural studies, architecture, music, and art. There is plenty to look forward to and do start by looking at the scope and sequence document. Many of the topics you study will have a biblical link for you to explore as well.