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All years assembly this Wednesday 5th Feburary 8am. Please be there!

All years assembly this Wednesday 5th Feburary 8am. Please be there!

by IOS Admin - Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

This month's assembly with brief notifications and announcements to start, will be combined with a seminar by Dave Boden who we are very excited to have with us on Wednesday morning. We do expect live track students to attend these, and all other track students as well as tutors are very welcome too. 

Dave will inspire us and also give a short talk around his new book What You Are Made For ( . The book is built around an acronym of the word THING and is all about discovering your THING (purpose). 

Dave is a pioneer of the Kleer Series—a media resource designed to spark spiritual conversations with teenagers. It has now been used by thousands of churches worldwide through ministry partners, and countless young lives have been impacted by it. Following years of being a lead pastor at a church in Coventry, Dave now leads Grace Foundation. Their Ethos Teams work from the inside out within schools, bringing positive change to young people’s lives. With a team of around 40 staff, they engage with over 13,500 students daily. 

There will be a time of Q&A at the end, so feel free to come with some good questions!

Please put the date/time in your diary and feel free to invite other friends/family members. We look forward to seeing you there. 

IOS Admin

Zoom Details

Topic: IOS Deep Talk - 5th Feb 2025

Time: Feb 5, 2025 08:00 AM London

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Passcode: 004